Marcos Fix-It WordPress Website

Handyman in Georgia, United States

Website developed for the Marcos Fix-It Company in the state of Georgia, United States.

This website is intended to generate web traffic to obtain direct calls and emails from people requesting Handyman services in this state. To achieve this, the main thing is to have a website that meets Internet metrics.

This website has been created in WordPress using these features:

  • Ultra Fast SSD Hosting
  • .com domain name
  • Business emails
  • 4 pages
  • SEO ready
  • Stock images included
  • 2 Primium Plugins

Handyman in Georgia, United States

Website developed for the Marcos Fix-It Company in the state of Georgia, United States.

This website is intended to generate web traffic to obtain direct calls and emails from people requesting Handyman services in this state. To achieve this, the main thing is to have a website that meets Internet metrics.

This website has been created in WordPress using these features:

  • Ultra Fast SSD Hosting
  • .com domain name
  • Business emails
  • 4 pages
  • SEO ready
  • Stock images included
  • 2 Primium Plugins